So Drupal 6 is incredibly slow right now. We, Adam and I, just installed a lot of modules and enabled them.
Setup is Debian 5 with Apache 2.
1st assumption
Database. Accessing the database could be the reason. Checking the logs (@ /var/log) of mysql reveals nothing, there is nothing there. Perhaps I didn't enable logging. I'll check on that later.
2nd assumption
Modules. Let's disables all the modules! It helped just a tiny bit. In the process of this I disable all caching options of Drupal.
So I took a day or so break to think it over, maybe I'm over thinking this. Check on the website again and it's fast! Except, when you click on the administration URL it's very slow. Here's the reason why on the Drupal support forum:
"cog.rusty - February 21, 2009 - 13:50 The admin pages in Drupal 6 are slow because they do perform a lot of housekeeping and rebuilding (thousands of queries, as you noticed, and these are not just cosmetic). Caching probably won't help with that.
If it is unworkable, disabling the update status module will probably help a bit, and also there are open issues for reducing the number of queries in next updated, but don't expect the D6 admin pages to become snappy. They take the hit for some tasks which make the user part of the site more reliable.
About the normal site pages... the usual optimization methods should apply."
Alrighty then, let's just optimize the webpage.
Installed some tools to help me:
Life-of-Request Info extensionDevel module (where is this log file?)
1st optimization:Let's optimize PHP by installing the APC package (read about it
Here's a tutorial on using APC.
Access to main drupal as webmaster:
1st try: 1.3 s
2nd try (browser's cache cleared): .661s
3rd try: 0.877s
As a non user: 0.536s
Let's enable all the modules:
main page: 1.114s - 1.124s
content generated pages: ~.224s at most < .5s (no pictures or anything heavy just texts) Yay, it's faster!