Jquery Progress Bar, pecl c, PHP module, Debian

Howto install PECL uploadprogress

I need the uploadprogress php module for jquery progress bar. The reason why my boss and I chose this progress bar to the other ones out there is because this one does not use flash. Flash got some annoying bugs and it make web development annoying and at the same time makes our code ugly --full of band-aids and workarounds. Furthermore it was so hard to find any upload module for jquery that doesn't require flash. The reason for this is because javascript does runs on client side so they cannot keep track of the progress on the server side. Hence, how the is the progress going to gauge the completion percentage? The answer is a php module named uploadprogress.

Anyway, in most Linux distribution you install stuff and add a line in php.ini such as extension=uploadprogress.so and you're done. Not in debian!

Anyway here it is:

Step 1: Installing

sudo aptitude install php5-dev php-pear
sudo pecl install uploadprogress

Step 2: The Debian way of extension=uploadprogress.so

You need to create a file in conf.d to enable the any php extension in debian.

sudo vim /etc/php5/conf.d/uploadprogress.ini

Here's what my uploadprogress.ini looks like:

# configuration for php uploadprogress module

Step 3: Restart apache2

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

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